Monday, February 28, 2011

Ppi's Vitamin D Absorption

* new beads *

Yesterday I again sat on the burner and it caused some new beads!
have most of them I already processed this morning to supporters and chains;)
Hopefully everything will heal ToiToiToi * *

Taschenbaumler with heart

Taschenbaumler angel

chains with Owl * laughs * and dots bead

Taschenbaumler with angel

trailer with my first snake;))

And since I have now but a homemade sweetness here I want the two right Taschenbaumler "Angel" (green & red) auction also for the "Be a Hero" in action!

Give your bids then please see this post from and writes to whether their "angel red" or "green angels" offers!

And I still hope that all will remain intact, at least the two Engelbaumler;))


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