Sunday, February 27, 2011

Bloated Stomach Ovulation

* Held for Lucas - Fundraising auction *

The small , 2-year-old Lucas Tylla of Salem has leukemia (Blood cancer).
Only a stem cell donation can save his life.
Lucas is urgently seeking a suitable donor.

Large Typiserungsaktion on Sunday, 27.02.11
clock of 10 - 16 clock in Salem.

In addition to any new typing and money donations enormously important, because any typing a new potential stem cell donor costs 50 €. The largely attributable to laboratory costs.

These costs are not covered by health insurance.
Yvonne from Magical Elves light has a great idea started hero-for-Lucas !

In many blogs will be auctioned from 02/27/2011 to 03/04/2011 24.00 h Lieblich great handmade things!
unfortunately I just have no such hand-made Liebelichkeit there, it would be worth at auction.
But I still have a popular material I would like to auction off!
can with me her 2 m of the latest bid by Farbenmix PĆ¼Reh Jersey!
(picture by
The starting bid is 30 €!
From today until Friday 27.02.11 04:03:11, 0.00 Clock
here you can leave a comment and participate in this way in the auction.

bids via mail are also accepted you:
info (at)
Give your subject in the "Held for Lucas' one!

forget And not a valid e-mail address and your name to indicate!

I will forward the money directly to the DKMS and hope it comes together neatly in this action was!
update on the status I hold you here to date!

Who wins will decide the time that is available at the comments and e-mails!

And now I would be glad if you offer mithelft and industrious;)

In Yvonne is a list of participating blogs, maybe you will not find more things that want to bid on it like! Now I still have to contribute a self-made sweetness;))

I will auction additional:

EDIT Taschenbaumler two angels with homemade glass beads!
I watch this, please continue a post, there are some more info and of course there is also a photo of the tree learning!


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