Wednesday, February 16, 2011

How Many Carbs In Bean Soup

le petit prince

scarves are great. which is almost more wild is my new backpack from the flea market in Berlin at the Wall Park. Who would have thought that I once again down a backpack, I, I me for a festival has to buy extra old things ? But I must say, along with cool look, it is simply practical, the hands are always free.
Another gem in the truest Sense of the word immigrant, also with home. A necklace with a pendant that shows the little prince. Ecstasizing!

shirt: cardigan h & m /: primark / shorts: Levis / wedges: primark / back pack: fleemarket berlin / kerchief: Zeeman

le petit prince - my one and only hero

necklace: berlin fleemarket, 8 €
* my new backpack and necklace from berlin - i really love the little prince, he's my hero forever i think


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