Sunday, February 13, 2011

How To Remove Turkry Grease From Pants

* buntig as a rainbow *

We gave it yesterday no 12 of 12, when we were the 2nd Birthday celebration of my mouse;)
And thanks woman Pimpinella there was a rainbow cake - sooooo yummy!

Just the total preparation has a lot of fun, a bit of color to this dreary weather (for us it snowed yesterday);)

interior came with four colors, then the fifth top it and of course lots of colorful term Zuckerkram.
Two years ago you probably know this may get as a birthday cake, with my mouse had little time to eat;))

the I back again again, which was sooo delicious!
However, I have reduced the amount of sugar by 50 g;)

EDIT: Again with the cake;)

He's really easy to make!

This colorful squiggles you need to make nothing extra, just always be alternately a dab of each color in the center of baking pan.
The deal runs automatically and gives the super nice effect.

And the frosting on top is a ready-mix, I've discovered in the supermarket;)
Gibts in purple and red!

else I also always made the parrot but the specialist cake tasted because of the jelly powder always somehow brausig ....

This one is with butter vanilla flavor and juicy and totally legga; I))


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