Saturday, February 12, 2011

Toyota Siana 2005automatic Car Starter

It does not have a liver sausage to be ..... greet

As I yesterday in the center of Unterschleissheim (which is really great ... ned) on the road, I thought to myself .. render times NEN little detour to the butcher. From time to time that is available here to buy ground meat and somehow I wanted to ne fresh minced bread. And as I said the counter stood, laughed at me ne delicious apple-onion-sausage. Of course there had to a great piece!

like sausage now and then I quite like, but mostly I thought I'd get too much and bought the play dead then mercilessly in my fridge .... * * This is schluchtz some ways yes but liverwurst to a full-fledged main court process. Right away I remember as a dish from my childhood on -> rendered sausage with fried onions and mashed potatoes - that I loved, but I somehow made myself before.

And then fell asleep again even a pack of Thuringia Dumpling dough to himself, who wanted to be processed yet. Why not therefore NEN-filled dumplings giant tinker? : O)

Was actually quite simple and has unexpectedly also tasted quite good: o) the only thing that bothered me a very very little, this was the Dumpling dough is ned turned brown, but this is ned bad because dumplings are indeed normally ned brown!

like those who like a hearty Bissel, the role will be determined this strange taste very good!

Thanks woman Kampi this court has still to get a name:

sausage in pastry


1 package dumpling dough Thuringian
2 onions
1 1 / 2 apples
4 gherkins
1 sausage (estimated times about 150g)
marjoram salt and pepper


the onion and apple peel and cut into small cubes. The whole thing in a little oil fry about 10 minutes. Meanwhile, dice the cucumbers, and small type under the apple-onion mass. Season with salt, pepper and lots of marjoram and mix well. The lot aside and let cool slightly.

the dumpling dough with your hands knead again slightly and roll out on a dish towel into a rectangle, or those like me who does not own a rolling pin * g * just hit wide.

Now the sausage on the entire dumpling dough is greased. The cooled apple-onion-cucumber mix over it now and then use the dish towel forms a part, if necessary, help out with his hands the thing. The whole thing looked at me then look like a mysterious cocoon: o)

the oven to 150 ° convection preheat and let the roll for about 30 minutes to bake .

given gabs fast for me NEN small salad.


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