Monday, February 7, 2011

Best Drugstore Eye Cream 2010

food journal

Hello dear ones,

I am terribly unhealthy eating lately, I've just decided to run a food diary - first for a week, as I otherwise probably not again hold on. One should make the case clear goals.
So I will write daily for a week, everything I've eaten - no exceptions! And without cheating. each chip is counted;)
And so I do not into temptation come to stop after one day, I post the whole public, namely here. Thus I hope that I think about three times each candy, because I must, after all not only justify itself in front of me. Also, I would find it
nice to receive from you a few tips on what to leave out I prefer, where hidden calories lurk
etc. Even though I lost eight kilos in the last six months, I could well and happy on a few more . without
might feel as well as one or the other incited to take part - I think even if we should lose no fat you eat so on definitely more aware and that is important to me.
If you want to join want posting here but your blog link so I can follow that, or if you have no blog, just your little list posting under this entry.

I'll start then already times, should still more to come, which I have not planned, I will, of course, subsequently "edit!.

Lief, Isabel

Monday, 07/02/2011

a bowl of oatmeal with fresh raspberries, bananas and cherries from the jar with a teaspoon of honey

2 wholemeal sandwiches, sweets, one with Brie, one with Leerdam and sausage, both garnished with additional salad and Möhrenraspeln
this: a me coffee

half Stroopwaffel

a large salad consisting of iceberg lettuce , Möhrenraspeln, corn, tomatoes and feta cheese with cucumber and chive dressing
this: 3 beer in the Theatre Café

plenty of water

* I'm starting a food journal for the next week because i want to bring my mind to eating more do you want to join me?


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