Sunday, February 20, 2011

Words For Someone Who Just Had A Baby


In AllFashionBlogs this topic has just taken up: Unfortunately, there are always people who will leave on (known mostly) blogs vulgar, hateful comments sometimes . These seem mostly to have no meaning except that which bloggers to hurt. Do not get me wrong, it is not about serious, constructive criticism , but the bashing like to go in the direction you are fat, dumb and ugly ".

Marie has posted this on her blog and get to, inter alia, the following response:

Anonymous has said.
"since you what you yourself can answer anonymously if I can even write out my views so I belong people to make these comments now and then. I do not know why, it brings me a kind of satisfaction but somehow not. no idea. it's just the blogs show what many of us anyway, always thought. that sucks the life is unfair. we take up time as such, non-because I do not like you but because you have written the entry. you are beautiful, good in school, popular, have coal without end, awesome photos and a lot of nice things. And if that is all well enough you're still non-super success with your blog. you have to live with 15 already better than many of us ever will have. and at some point a burst containing the collar when you see that your life is already perfect perfect yet and nothing will change for us! we continue to sit in front of flabby pc without great sense without popular, beautiful, rich. without success. I would say yes it is a mixture of envy and frustration. "

This Message read to me by speaking to think. There are many readers that it is so? I myself have no great blog and therefore had not yet hate comment. And unlike other bloggers I'm not skinny, flawless and rich. Even so, I've been thinking. Is it on my blog readers who feel so small, when they read my blog?
I hope that is not the case, for me personally is what this blog is not about the "profile, but about the" announce ". This is what I am doing a hand through my style , on the other hand, by texts , and that is why I am happy about every comment, the writes to her, because I want to share with you. Perhaps it is in the above comment also a individual opinion, but if not, I think it's really a shame that people feel that way. I can understand it even when someone is angry. But hate comments, I think so still not the right way to give expression to his feelings ..
The best thing would be like to read any more blogs, or the whole thing into perspective:

Most blogs are but like photo albums. In photo albums, there are only pictures of happy moments of the highlights of our lives - because who does have photos of when she's poorly about? And the most successful bloggers to post their snapshots good, their best photos, best worked. For a photo on which I sat crying on my bed with a runny nose, without makeup and pimples on the chin, but I do not have or show much less - about her? :)
And just as perfect as you are at all your photos, bloggers are on their blogs. With the real life that has little to do most.

I'm curious on your opinions on the subject! (! From now anonymously)

Lief, Isa

PS: Maybe you can be a measure of what distinguishes constructive criticism and what hate comments, just superior to, whether the comment that you just typed to someone would probably say, if this one would face. And secondly, as one would even respond to such comments, in real life. Because on many a criticism, it is unfortunately impossible to respond constructively. Or have you schonmal to someone, who has called key *** said: "Oh, thank you, that you say your opinion Yes, you're right, maybe I really am one - and thank you that you were so open.." ;)


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