Monday, February 28, 2011

Ppi's Vitamin D Absorption

* new beads *

Yesterday I again sat on the burner and it caused some new beads!
have most of them I already processed this morning to supporters and chains;)
Hopefully everything will heal ToiToiToi * *

Taschenbaumler with heart

Taschenbaumler angel

chains with Owl * laughs * and dots bead

Taschenbaumler with angel

trailer with my first snake;))

And since I have now but a homemade sweetness here I want the two right Taschenbaumler "Angel" (green & red) auction also for the "Be a Hero" in action!

Give your bids then please see this post from and writes to whether their "angel red" or "green angels" offers!

And I still hope that all will remain intact, at least the two Engelbaumler;))

Wedding Slogans For Favors

now and then

These are pictures of a photographer who always looked like old photos - but not because they admired the colors, the technique or the like, but because she wondered, How can the boy, this girl probably look like today? This question
she worked so much that she decided to find out just that. the result of the whole? This fabulous series of photos from which it can not get enough of me. See for yourself

All pictures can be found here

* these are the pictures of a photographer who was always inspired by old photographs and decided to have a look at how the people look like today

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Libertines Fanfiction

Lieblingsstück des Tages: Pfauenring

And Apologies something from
, but I'm in love. If this ring is not fabulous? And why some other bloggers are just pockets of Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent rings is a mystery to me. There are so wonderful, good things!
This ring costs just £ 4.80 - and softens it so wonderful!
I only say: slam!

* awesome ring from for only 4.80 gbp - get it!

Bloated Stomach Ovulation

* Held for Lucas - Fundraising auction *

The small , 2-year-old Lucas Tylla of Salem has leukemia (Blood cancer).
Only a stem cell donation can save his life.
Lucas is urgently seeking a suitable donor.

Large Typiserungsaktion on Sunday, 27.02.11
clock of 10 - 16 clock in Salem.

In addition to any new typing and money donations enormously important, because any typing a new potential stem cell donor costs 50 €. The largely attributable to laboratory costs.

These costs are not covered by health insurance.
Yvonne from Magical Elves light has a great idea started hero-for-Lucas !

In many blogs will be auctioned from 02/27/2011 to 03/04/2011 24.00 h Lieblich great handmade things!
unfortunately I just have no such hand-made Liebelichkeit there, it would be worth at auction.
But I still have a popular material I would like to auction off!
can with me her 2 m of the latest bid by Farbenmix PüReh Jersey!
(picture by
The starting bid is 30 €!
From today until Friday 27.02.11 04:03:11, 0.00 Clock
here you can leave a comment and participate in this way in the auction.

bids via mail are also accepted you:
info (at)
Give your subject in the "Held for Lucas' one!

forget And not a valid e-mail address and your name to indicate!

I will forward the money directly to the DKMS and hope it comes together neatly in this action was!
update on the status I hold you here to date!

Who wins will decide the time that is available at the comments and e-mails!

And now I would be glad if you offer mithelft and industrious;)

In Yvonne is a list of participating blogs, maybe you will not find more things that want to bid on it like! Now I still have to contribute a self-made sweetness;))

I will auction additional:

EDIT Taschenbaumler two angels with homemade glass beads!
I watch this, please continue a post, there are some more info and of course there is also a photo of the tree learning!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What To Do About A Bad Cut In Mouth

When I wake up in the mornin' light I, pull on my jeans and I feel all right

As you see me, how much can change one garment a whole outfit - how do you like better, like this or Sun ?
Just performed in Hamburg on AbiEinstieg fair - maybe someone of you so I see there? I am looking forward to meet people whose life can be influenced to some extent. The is a very magical experience in my opinion. And again good food in Hamburg, I'm looking forward too - although I actually ... Oh, yes, I've finally started to do sports, which should be enough:) * this post is

automatically 'cause I'm in Hamburg on a fair now - I'm advising people about their future Which is very inspiring work

Thursday, February 24, 2011

How Did Og Muddbone Die

♥ New Free Book ♥

Naaa, have you been waiting for curious what is the surprise?
course it had something to do with the cute little bag that I have just been doing;)

a few times I have been looking for a simple guide for a flap pocket, but found nothing like what I have!
So I have pondered myself a little bit and got out is a new small Free Book!

You may rejoice over it and yes Do you like to try it once;)
I would be happy, as always, links and pictures!

Right now you can download the Free Book directly over the image, but soon I will ship to the sidebar;))

Enjoy sew!

EDIT: Now the download really should go!
The images were a little too big;)

The file containing the instructions is a bit large, so the download takes a little longer! I
test again now with the direct links and hope it works better!

Here you can download the pattern and here the instructions ToiToiToi * *

Poems For Wedding Coin Shower

* small * Kindergartentasche

After that, there's a surprise for you;))
You might want it tonight again check back here on the blog!

Itunes Wont Let Me Make A Playlist On Ipod

* * Flick Kranz & new embroidery pattern * *

order a few pieces of fabric I could decrease my bag remains, as I have made a patchwork wreath!
Just tie a few small strips of stretchable materials to place a wreath blank (for me it was a green willow wreath) and tie it well!

hopefully can attract a bit of spring with these bright colors!

yes, maybe you do you ever wonder because it was so quiet here on the blog?
was the fact that I once again some new embroidery patterns have made ready;))
This time there are some individual motives go this weekend to begin!
making a start in small cats Ballerina Line Art

A second cat, it goes on, Miss Copper charming everyone with her beautiful green eyes;)

We stay with the animals - a Wal Appli, sweet and embroidered super fast

A little more peace can never hurt our world, so are the flowers of peace and a lot of "Love & Peace!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do I Report A False Report To Cps

Inspiration: big rings

Maybe you even noticed that I am kept pretty much wear many rings as here
Also have never before worn black, but now I like the ethno moderate it - especially in combination with a rich turquoise, or a sharp coral.
The only drawback: I can not afford tens of course rings true, so are almost all fake and therefore stain very quickly. My advice: buy small rings are not at H & M, of which the finger is very green but mostly thin, silver rings are reddish in no time. Better are rings of SIX or Bijou Brigitte. Shoot the bird but does Claire - the rings color does not play, although they are as cheap as anywhere else.
If you have any questions specifically should my rings, I wrote an e-mail comments or questions at facebook.

were present the articles already with me -

How To Get Illegal Credits On Poptropica

Lieblingsstück des Tages: minty bag

Have a new online shop discovered for myself and directly appointed times Monatg there - and voila to house.
are talking about
And so banal my picture of this place was - dominated by the Rammschladen Forever18 - so much he made me überzeugt.Das most beautiful dress, what me directly to page 1 smiled at, was unfortunately impossible to find. But however, I found this wonderful, minzfarbene pocket. And that for just £ 21.50. And best of all: She looks just like in the pictures. will present you an outfit quickly.
addition to the bags, there are way too beautiful jewelry there ...

* this beautiful bag is from - what a great online shop - i got the bag in only two days and it really looks the same as on the picture above

Getting Rust Off Skates

Emma was a star in everyone's eyes

Emma Watson is such an inspiration for me. This wonderful, even magical dress she wore to the BAFTA's just been (British Academy of Film and Television Arts) and it looked like a swan-like princess. This magnificent Unlike the girlish flutter apparel and bubihaften, Frans androgynous haircut - great!
Not only that I am a big Harry Potter fan, Emma Watson ichhalte for a special woman. In interviews, the three young stars, it is always charming, but also superior. She seems to have a talent to answer the tough questions of the journalists heights while her face to lose. Truly admirable.
I was most delighted by the way her figure. She is so wonderfully delicate, without being thin be. And the waist! Hello Dr. beauty, I would like to take the time to please.

photo from marie claire shooting
photo from Elle Russia

* Emma Watson is seeking an inspiration for me! i love her body, her perfect little waist and her fashion taste is wonderful! So her style on interviews is great - i just think she's a great person who dresses phenomenal as well.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Free Iphone Mobile Stream Southpark

again and again and again

Welch fabehafter evening! Dear friends from the choir were here and we sang and chatted omitted. Lovely! I enjoy my life, as it is now if it just would not keep something that you absolutely do not need most quickly and immediately.
This is a sometimes literal as the stone on the heart - how nice it would be if he fell ...

everything: h & m behalve on vintage backpack and six necklace

PS: Yes I know, I outfit technically just a little creative, but it gets better, I promise!