Sunday, January 9, 2011

What Can I Rinse With For Burning Mouth Syndrome?

Huch what happened then?

Without knowing I've just retrieved my emails ... and what is it?

The love Barbara from the playground has my blog with the Award * Dearest Blog * awarded!

I'm still somewhat speechless because with something I had .. on a Sunday morning (ok already afternoon is * grins *) does not count.

Many thanks Barbara!

The idea with this Award I find class, thus they are beginners (I count to be me now at that) discovered the opportunity. And so I would like to transfer this part * * price as well.

My choice is worth reading the following blogs:

- Charlotte's Diner
- A pot home
- Foodina
- goes Where's the vegetable rack

The rules for the award look like this:

Create a post by you reinkopierst The Love Blog image posting and guidance (ie the text you are reading). In addition, you should blog for the person link that has given you the Award and inform them by the comment in her blog that you have the Award and accept her the link of your Award Posts be there.
Then you are thinking about you 3-5 favorite blogs, you also in your post link & the owner will inform each function by the comment that they tagged and here also the link of the Posts were give us is where the declaration is.

Dear Blogger: The goal of this action is that we bring unknown, good blogs to light. So I would ask you to post any blogs to , which already have been 3,000 readers, but talented beginners and people, which already have ne while blogging, but still not known.


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