Sunday, January 9, 2011

Basketball Chants And Motions

flash card from the temples on 12/21/2010


Today I want to again show what! As already written, I am the last time did not come to blog. So I show you now first the cards that are still written before Christmas. There are 2 Winter-/Weihnachtskärtchen, which actually should I do on the road. But in time I got it then no longer on the series! So, all those who have not heard a Christmas card: please do not take it personally, but I unfortunately lack the time, all that I wanted to send a card, even to tinker and to send a ... Therefore, these two will ever start for the Christmas card production 2011 ...

I had at 21.12. evening at 20.30 clock still invited to the chickens stamp on lightning punches. By default, it was this sketch of mine:

Then I had this card getüddelt:

And the sketch myself very well liked, is the date on it then this is pretty similar cards created:

Well I hope you are not yet been sorry to see Christmas cards. These were definitely the last first Christmas card of 2010.

Thank you for stopping by,



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