Saturday, January 29, 2011

Don Giovanni Musician- Raise Your Voice

Schwammespalken - Counterfeit Vogtländischer mushroom pot

sponges, in addition to potatoes in the kitchen Vogtland very popular. Especially if the Schwammezeit approaches, one can see in the Vogtland villages and more often smaller groups who make their baskets in the forest. In recent years there in the Vogtland indeed a real Schwammeschwemme * grin *.

And after the full baskets were hauled home, newspapers are laid out in front of the house and it goes to the common Schwammeputzen. Most of the fresh sponge then just fried and eaten with a piece of fresh bread. If large quantities are present, they are either boiled sweet and sour, or to cut the sponge and let it run on large caps dry cake.

Another method of preparation are the Schwammespalken, a hearty stew with vegetables and potatoes. Who does not like quite as thick stews, can also create magic with a tasty baked Schwammebrieh Kließ.

whom it once the Vogtland leads, will find this dish in rural guest houses on every menu.

As I do at this season no fresh Vogtland sponges have at home, I have something improvised. I used brown mushrooms and dried porcini mushrooms from the forests Vogtland. Tastes although not quite as strong as it should be, but it's still very tasty!

The recipe is from the small booklet "looked in Vogtland kitchens" which was published in 1999 by the Sparkasse Vogtland. The book is available in normal bookstores not to my knowledge available. But you can buy in bookstores or in the Vogtland Vogtland shop for discount of only 5 EUR.

I have modified the recipe a minimum and used only half of the ingredients. I will note my changes back to the original ingredients.


1 kg of fresh mixed wild mushrooms (I used chestnut mushrooms and dried porcini mushrooms)
1 onion
1 leek
2 carrots (at least with me just reingeschnippelt with, since they had to leave ...)
some celery (I through parsley root replaced)
150g bacon (diced ham is also sufficient)
1 / 2 liters vegetable stock
500g potatoes
salt, pepper
1 bay leaf
4 juniper berries
some sugar
some white wine vinegar


Who uses dried sponges should this before about a half hour in warm water to soften.

fresh sponge brush and chop. The onion, leek, and the rest of the vegetables cut into small cubes also.

Heat the butter, add ham cubes, all the vegetables and sauté about 5 minutes. Then add the sponge and mix everything well. The soaked dried sponges including Now add the broth, too. Thyme, bay leaf and juniper berries add and fill with the broth. Mix well and strong season with salt and pepper. let boil and simmer for half an hour.

Meanwhile peel the potatoes and cut into small cubes. These give the stew and let it simmer for another half an hour.

The stew just before serving with sugar and vinegar and sour flavored as desired.

Simply slice fresh ne Bread and everything is perfect! baked


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