Thursday, January 6, 2011


Chalah - braid for the Sabbath

This month Tobias again a Mediterranean blog event, which in January under the theme Israel stands.

I must admit it is not easy to find a typical Israeli court. Jews and Arabs over a hundred countries from the Middle East brought their own recipes with Israel and thus was a very adventurous food culture in this country.

I chose the typical Chalahzopf (can also be formed as a bread or rolls) decided, as the bread is in all ethnic groups, a sign of peace and honor the Sabbath announced.

In Jerusalem there are now over one hundred kinds of bread, which indicate the country of origin of the Jewish population. is best known here perhaps the small round Pitah , which is also known from kebab or kebab stands, but also Beigel , Caraway bread , Jachnun you can find on the colorful Old City markets.

The recipe I got from a wonderful cookbook called "Israeli cuisine - Over 300 original recipes from the Holy Land" which but not in normal bookstores is.

Update - Oops! - When I looked again just after the banner at Tobias, I noticed that it already NEN Chalahzopf Jutta are: o) - we probably had the same idea, only Jutta was any faster: o)

original recipe from the book:
(I halved the quantities)


50g yeast
1 tablespoon sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 1 / 3 cups lukewarm water
1kg flour
1 / 2 cup oil
a stirred egg
poppy or sesame seeds

Preparation: Mix

yeast, sugar and salt in a half cup of warm water.

the flour into a bowl and press into the middle of a depression. The mixed yeast mixture, oil and the remaining water and pour in all this into an elastic dough.

cover the dough and want a warm place until the dough has doubled.

the dough to form individual strings of dough now and then and then weave into a braid and place on a baking sheet. I have the whole thing again split to two smaller braids to bake.

Brush the braids now with the stirred egg and sprinkle with poppy or sesame seeds and go another half hour.

in a preheated oven at 180 ° C until golden brown - about 40 minutes.

Conclusion: dough is cooked ned as bad! O)


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