Friday, January 21, 2011

Kates Playground Moives

Workshop Giotto packing!


day have I brought back a small workshop!

Do you know that? You want someone to bring a little attention, but it will look like after that? Thus the idea for this package. This is a box that fit in the 2 poles Giotto!

you need a piece of cardstock the size 19 x 32.5 cm. I've used for cardboard.

This puts her with the narrow side up and score at 2.5 ", 3.5", 6 "and 7". I have all folded with the ScorPal.

Now her the CS rotates 90 degrees and score at 1 ", 11" and 12 ".

will then cut the cardstock as shown in the following image.
As you can see, I have the little tabs slightly beveled and rounded off the top, large flap corners.

Now it's also going to go on decorating. I have pasted my box of pattern paper.
The pieces are 24.8 cm x 2 cm = 2x
24.8 cm x 5.8 cm = 2 x 2 cm x 5.8 cm
= 2x
large. I then on the clips that are taped, glued, double-sided tape. (These are the blue stripes!)

stuck together My box looks like this:

Now you can decorate it the finished box. Since your imagination is of course the limit!

This is my finished box:

I hope that you liked my little workshop!

I would be delighted if you, if you nacharbeitet the workshop, the source refers to me here and show your finished work!

Now I wish you a nice, creative weekend,



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