Sunday, December 26, 2010

Monopoly Property Cards Buy

The Vogtland cuisine - traditional / modern - Two cookbooks compared

Today I want to introduce two cookbooks, which are particularly dear to me. Some of it can probably already thinking - today is about the Vogtland kitchen.

As some already know I am a bred Vogtländerin that 10 years ago to Bavaria is "emigrated", but nevertheless impresses a homeland and we are proud of it. It is unfortunate that many people there it no longer know where they come from other regions and have their home simply forgotten.

But for me it is not so! I am glad that I continue to also Vogtland can still talk, because the dialects dying out, unfortunately, also gradually.

Now back to topic - the Vogtland food. I am a long time looking for a truly authentic cookbook that contains the courts of my home. Every now and then books come on the market that boast great with the tradition of the Vogtland and if the book is then examined more closely, one is disappointed and regret the purchase.

But that is about to change!

I have deliberately chosen for this report Vogtland two cookbooks, firstly a traditional and the other a book that combines traditional cuisine with modern influences.

And they are:

Derweeng ned ill of Falkmar Krause and the Upper Vogtland cookbook from singing restaurant owner Silvio Kuhnert.

In order to give you a little insight, here are some details to these quite different books. In the coming weeks I will detail some recipes that I will report to cook.

first Derweeng ned bad - The House Book of Vogtland kitchen

Author: Falkmar Krause
Published in Vogtland Publisher
ISBN Number: 3-928828-34-7

. My first impression about this book - WOW finally what I've been looking all the time!

Built is the cookbook in the following categories:

The holy bread, potatoes, dumplings, fried in a pan, pasta and Tellererichte, baking cakes for the feast, Eitroong, it has become the autumn, at Christmas time, what the children happy, beverages, Churn and centrifuge.

The author takes us approach each section with the right stories to the following dishes. This he adds the appropriate photos from the Vogtland and the courts.

A small selection of recipes:

- Weighing roast (a type of meatloaf)
- Schwammespalken, Möhrenspalken ( stews)
- naked Mahdi (a type of potato pancake)
- Bamber (Similar to the Russian blini, but much better * grin *)
- Vogtländischer Erdeppelkung (potato cakes)
- Sugar Männle (Christmas cake)

and many more

Conclusion: Who would call a truly traditional Vogtländisches his own cookbook, I recommend this book wholeheartedly! I am so glad that I have in my collection!

Author: Silvio Kuhnert
Published in Publisher edition limosa
ISBN no. 978-3-86037-390-3

Now we come to Book 2, which brings us from the singing restaurant owner from the Vogtland Silvio Kuhnert.

Silvio is Kuhnert, as he himself says a Vogtland, body and soul, and for 20 years, chef and cook. In his own Local "Green Tree" in Taltitz he serves locals and tourists with countless classic Vogtland Courts and with revamped modern creations. For this purpose, use products are used in the Vogtland region.

Built is the cookbook in the following categories:

soups and stews, salads, casseroles, stuffed vegetables, traditional dishes and house specialties, meat dishes, fish dishes, mushroom dishes, sweets and desserts, jams and jellies, baked goods, teas, drinks and coffees

The cookbook can be found still very nice stories and stories from the Vogtland. One finds in this book but not a glossy photos of every single court, which I personally find it a pity, but each page was designed with loving Vogtland photos.

A small selection of recipes:

- Sorrel - soup
- Taltitz sauerkraut salad
- Vogtländischer beer carp
- Aunt Trude's plum dumplings
- Vogtländische beef rolls
- Szeged goulash
- Spicy rose hip jam

and many more

Conclusion: Also this cookbook by Silvio Kuhnert I find it very successful. This is not a traditional Vogtländisches cookbook. Silvio Kuhnert want to miss the Vogtland kitchen a more modern image, and this he succeeds very well in my opinion.

Vogtland you my homeland,
born here I here I am at home,
Vogtland you my homeland,
with you I want to be
Vogtland you my homeland,
you the most beautiful Fleckel the world
who you saw once that never will be more go
oh Vogtland You're beautiful

- Silvio Kuhnert -

The Vogtländisches Nachkochaktion starts soon here on this blog: o)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Van Racking Plans Free

deer stew with plum and vanilla

Soooo of Christmas Eve, with a quite simple meal is over and now it was going to be something special in the culinary wonderland. This is again a personal Premiere since Wild was prepared in my kitchen you've never - I have until now always left to the professionals in selected restaurants.

After I had chosen for deer stew had, only a suitable recipe ago. In the Internet search I am then this recipe pushed and I was instantly smitten. Hirsch is so often with some fruity refined stuff, the classics are here probably cranberries and pears. So why not even plum jam? It occurred to me before just right, there herschlummerte a glass-made with a lot of rum in my cupboard right.

The recipe itself, I really have not changed anything, except that I left out the roux, because after the time needed consistency in my opinion was already perfect.

Here comes the recipe for 4 people (I halved the quantities, since I've cooked just for me alone)


1kg Venison stew
2 onions
2 carrots
a parsley root
sunflower oil
a EL tomato
500ml game stock
1 vanilla pod
2 bay leaves
3 cloves
three juniper berries
4 EL plum jam
salt and pepper


onions , cut carrots and parsley root into small cubes .

the deer stew in hot oil and brown well on all sides then add the vegetables and fry the onions and leave. The Add the tomato paste and stir everything well .

Now the game stock Pour and the spices and season to taste with salt and pepper . Scrape the vanilla bean and put the brand with a goulash. (I can still burn an extra half a scraped vanilla bean with)

The whole boil and then Hinsch tumors on a small stage about 2 hours before the leave. At the end of the plum jam and add another season to taste with salt and pepper .

addition there was in my potato dumplings Brussels sprouts and a carrot- vegetables.

Conclusion: time again I am totally thrilled. The slight sweetness of the plum jam is caused by the fits perfectly to the strong gamey flavor and is definitely an alternative to traditional cranberry . Believe the 'll I cook with security again, so must ned only to Christmas on the table.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Waxing While On Accutane 2010

Favorites: 2 Eye Makeup Remover (Aurat & Balea Med)

Tormenting many lashes can you lose when the AMU remover is no good. They rub and rub his eyes red and still is not all down.

fortunately I found my two AMU remover.

# 1 For waterproof eye make-up:
Aurat eye makeup remover, waterproof, 2 phases with pro-vitamin B5
cost € 1.99 for 200ml and Penny are very productive.

I have several waterproof remover by. The best of them was still that of Maybelline, but since there taste 125ml been around 5 €, I looked around and landed on me at some point in the Penny.
The Aurat, I think, at least as good and gentle as that of Maybelline, but definitely a lot cheaper!

# 2 For normal, non-waterproof eye make-up:
Balea Med Ultra Sensitive cleanser without perfumes, dyes, preservatives, ethereal oils and parabens.
200ml cost € 3.99 for DM and are also very productive.

I know this product is not intended as AMU-remover, but still: He is THE AMU-remover for me! The consistency is similar to that of Demaq 'Expert, burn with me but (unlike the latter) does not in the eyes! Even relatively I get so stubborn eyeliner away very gently. Since using it, had to be definitely less lashes at the evening up removing their lives. \u0026lt;3

My Make-up Method:
I take a cotton pad. Make it wet, it hit some and then dripping the respective AMU remover out, which I then rub a little on the pad before I order then gently wipe the eye area.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Wats A Good War Game Thts Online ?

swatches of the Day

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mixed Wrestling Anime Cartoon

Arrived at the "Clean Machine" from the soap paradise.

Since June I have ordered several facial soap in the soap paradise and I'm finally at the Clean Machine "Arrived".

first I was skeptical about soaps. Mere matter of experience. For the soap, which I had hitherto been the case, I never would have left on my face.
But in the early summer I was so unhappy with my skin that I would have given almost anything a chance. My skin was extremely dry in places, almost scaly, and had occasional impurities and make-up was virtually useless.
In my search I came across the soap fans, who apparently had had similar problems, they mitigate Thanks to natural soaps, if not able to eliminate completely.
One of the top rated soap facial soap in Paradise was the Clean Machine, a " nourishing soap especially for blemished skin. - with niauli oil and Lavandin "blemishes were not my main problem, but I ordered it just to

All four face soaps (later followed by even more) tried me. out. Except for the salt soap I thought they were all very pleasant. could convince me but most of all, the Clean Machine.

A fresh lavender Teebaumölnote. An ultra-soft foam. Very economical.
But the most convincing me the results. After the first day I took my skin as a cleaner, fresher and smoother. It seemed to me again be receptive to other skin care products. Alive. Is regenerating.

pimples and blackheads since I see only rarely. And even if they wear off very quickly. Even the nasty under the skin.

The Clean Machine I use daily. Morning and evening after removing make-up. Sometimes I use the morning one of the other facial soaps, but rarely.
A back-up soap is already in my drawer, even though I use a quarter of the soap bar get along for several months. But I will never really never have to miss.

I'm finally "arrived" . With my face cleanser

The Clean Machine is available online for 4.90 € in the soap paradise click .

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cartoon Maxine Health Care

Flormar - a positive first impression

Not in any Douglas you will find these flowers of the Turkish colors.
In some flourish, however, already huge, two-piece stand.

The "Mono Eye Shadows" split in a metallic luster and matte in a bearing.
In stock me ecstatic a velvety matte Dunelbraun.

shimmering in a golden olive-green and quite exceptionally beautiful violet, which assumes a Blackberry colored according to the light.

Each € 2.95-expensive jar has a small mirror and a printed expiration date - this is fresh in my gekauftet: "110 115", which is probably is indicative of early 2015.

In "Blush-On" enchanted me a dull Teerosenrot with soft brown wrapping Price: 4.95 €, which the wonderful Designation "82" with and advances to my favorite moment Rouge.

Even the baked "TerracottaBlush-ons allowed with a gleam in the shade with himbeerigem" 40 "for 7.50 €.

A positive first impression. I'm curious. The eyeliner should be very interesting.

Monday, November 22, 2010

How Much Will It Cost To Get A Tumor Off My Dog

Schokolicious: OPI "Los Angeles Latte" - the inconspicuous with the glow-kick.

seven lakes are lined up next to each other honest. What is it?

has one only insignificant, then iridescent, magically delicious!

click clack. The small beads in the bottle dance impatiently up and down.

The first brush stroke: A delicate Farbchen, creamy and mild, chocolate-erdbeerig.

A second layer, because the color is addictive.

More light, light! Here bloom the reddish glow! Is milky, soft. Perfect.

Kauflich purchased for $ 5.75 at Trans design.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Who Makes Cabela's Alaskan Scopes


to be continued ...