Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baby Walkie Talkie Monitor

As I announced yesterday is already on my Facebook page, this weekend is oriental. was

The last few days unfortunately it hardly something to read and pots remained in the Cabinet had, as I currently work stress once again overcome with something at night and I no longer drive to a boil.

I had some time ago bought a wonderful cookbook, which was already longer on my wish list. This is about the book: Orient - Food and culture (the sense) . In this GU series also another delightful cookbooks are published, including the masterpiece of Margit Kunzke : Andalusia - Food and culture (the sense) .

But now back to Oriental cuisine. Today, I have decided on a dish with lamb. So I made my way to get in Unterschleissheim lamb and was not that simple. For the recipe you need lamb shoulder, but I did not get in various supermarkets, unfortunately. So what? A Plan B for the weekend I did not need me ready. So I improvised and bought 2 TK-lamb steaks - what should I do different? There was nothing else ....

Despite these lamb steaks to me the court very well done and it has also tasted very good, although I already had some preliminary concerns as to collide quite so many flavors!

for 4 servings (I halved the quantities)

600g lean lamb shoulder (lamb steaks do it ..)
200g dried apricots
2 onions
2 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoon chili powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
2 bay leaves
1 lime
pepper and salt


Cut the lamb into small cubes and sprinkle with cinnamon, cumin and chilli and stir well for approximately 1 hour by pulling in the refrigerator.

the apricots in a bowl and Pour boiling water sources and about 30 minutes. (do not water when disposing!)

half of the apricots in a colander to drain well and set aside. The apricot spring water make up to 600ml.

Peel onions and chop coarsely. Peel the garlic and the two ingredients to give the apricots in the water and blend everything well, so that a creamy fruity mixture.

oil and butter in a frying pan and fry the marinated lamb cubes in it sharp. Reduce heat and add the apricots mass. The remaining apricots in half and together with the bay leaves and stir in sliced lime. The whole stew is now about 25 minutes hinköcheln on. Season with salt and pepper.

side dish would be suitable couscous, bulgur, rice, or just bread.

Conclusion: A really delicious recipe! The meat was super thin and the flavors were fantastic together! CLASS!


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