Monday, March 7, 2011

Shower Manifold For Price Pfister


I just found these photos from the summer: A week in Dublin with my treasure. this brings back memories and desire to travel. But where I want to travel this summer?
Do you have tips?

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Television Channels That Air Yaoi

Yogurt soup with chick peas and minced lamb with apricots and couscous

And this is already part 2 of my little trip to the Orient, which launched yesterday. My current choice was a yogurt soup, which in many Oriental countries are already considered a classic.

As noted yesterday, there was also this recipe a few small cuts or changes, because in my small town, unfortunately, only gets the standard fresh herbs. So off with fresh coriander scented :-( - but at a pinch, it does so also the dried

The recipe is also from the cookbook. Orient - Food & Culture and I was also again smitten. The soup is for me almost a perfect spring dish, but that's probably because of the fresh herbs and yogurt. The flavors are this time not as tight as for the usual oriental food - very tasty!

The meat could have been omitted - so this would be something for our vegetarian friends.

Ingredients: 2 onions

100g minced beef
200g chickpeas Dose
100g fresh red lentils
50g rice
2 garlic cloves
400g plain yoghurt
150g sour cream
olive oil
salt and pepper
1 / 2 tsp turmeric
mint leaves (I used dried mint)
each 1 / 2 bunch (alternatively use dried herbs) fresh parsley, chives, dill and coriander

Peel onions and cut into small cubes. Half of them with the minced meat Mix vigorously and season to taste with salt and pepper and then it forms small balls. Heat

olive oil in a large pan and fry the other half of the onions golden brown. Stir in salt, pepper and half the Kurkumas and fill with 1 liter of water. Add the chickpeas, including Sud. Stir in lentils and the rice and boil the whole thing can be. Now add the meatballs and stir slightly. Now the soup simmer for about 20-30 minutes on the lowest level.

During the wash and chop the herbs and add to the soup and can continue to cook.

Peel and chop the garlic and sauté lightly in olive oil can. Add the remaining turmeric powder and a little mint and set aside.

is now mixed with some of the soup with the measured yogurt and then completely to the soup and stirred well

respect. soup now not more boil, otherwise the yogurt flocculates!

Arrange on plates, garnish with a dollop of sour cream and sprinkle with toasted garlic and mint cubes.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Baby Walkie Talkie Monitor

As I announced yesterday is already on my Facebook page, this weekend is oriental. was

The last few days unfortunately it hardly something to read and pots remained in the Cabinet had, as I currently work stress once again overcome with something at night and I no longer drive to a boil.

I had some time ago bought a wonderful cookbook, which was already longer on my wish list. This is about the book: Orient - Food and culture (the sense) . In this GU series also another delightful cookbooks are published, including the masterpiece of Margit Kunzke : Andalusia - Food and culture (the sense) .

But now back to Oriental cuisine. Today, I have decided on a dish with lamb. So I made my way to get in Unterschleissheim lamb and was not that simple. For the recipe you need lamb shoulder, but I did not get in various supermarkets, unfortunately. So what? A Plan B for the weekend I did not need me ready. So I improvised and bought 2 TK-lamb steaks - what should I do different? There was nothing else ....

Despite these lamb steaks to me the court very well done and it has also tasted very good, although I already had some preliminary concerns as to collide quite so many flavors!

for 4 servings (I halved the quantities)

600g lean lamb shoulder (lamb steaks do it ..)
200g dried apricots
2 onions
2 garlic cloves
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 teaspoon chili powder
2 tablespoons olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
2 bay leaves
1 lime
pepper and salt


Cut the lamb into small cubes and sprinkle with cinnamon, cumin and chilli and stir well for approximately 1 hour by pulling in the refrigerator.

the apricots in a bowl and Pour boiling water sources and about 30 minutes. (do not water when disposing!)

half of the apricots in a colander to drain well and set aside. The apricot spring water make up to 600ml.

Peel onions and chop coarsely. Peel the garlic and the two ingredients to give the apricots in the water and blend everything well, so that a creamy fruity mixture.

oil and butter in a frying pan and fry the marinated lamb cubes in it sharp. Reduce heat and add the apricots mass. The remaining apricots in half and together with the bay leaves and stir in sliced lime. The whole stew is now about 25 minutes hinköcheln on. Season with salt and pepper.

side dish would be suitable couscous, bulgur, rice, or just bread.

Conclusion: A really delicious recipe! The meat was super thin and the flavors were fantastic together! CLASS!

Leukoplakia Planus Of The Tongue

* Stick Series U-book *

Finally it's done, my stick for U-series notebook covers going on Sunday night online!
This series has been lying dormant on my hard drive last year, but somehow I was always something between them * laughs *

But now, after some small changes, it's done!

total there are 10 buttons that can be used as an application!

(click makes `s large) to buy

As of Sunday evening at my store!

Like It Or Not Muscle Gay Blog

* Held for Lucas - Total revenue *

Soooooo, my auctions for the benefit of DKMS is over now!
~ 2 m for 40 € to go PüReh Chrissy / Lizard Queen ~
the green angel pendant goes for 15 € to Trudi ~
the red angel's trailer for 20 to € Bine

Thank you for your commandments;))

So there are a total of 75 € has become that I am really!

I hope the help we can then at least a little!
are schonmal After all, the cost for 1.5 typings covered with the proceeds.

I am so excited when Yve the total proceeds and has announced!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Pinnacle Tvcenter Analog Unhandled

rivo 3 - wie flugzeuge

enchants The Berlin band Rivo 3 me some years ago. Since 2002, it gives you three guys, Oliver Rivo, Felix Lehrmann and Arne Nitzsche. In classical guitar, drums, bass, combined they have now developed a fan base. enchant
The lyrics are so honest, without being vulgar, so good and it simple. Live I have not seen the three, but this follows quickly! And because I can not something you want withheld and, in this case the grand song and video: How airplanes.

Rivo Three - How airplanes - MyVideo

I really wish them the breakthrough. But for this they are perhaps too little mainstream, and German too well.

rivo * 3 - an awesome band from Berlin with their wonderful song, how airplanes - like airplanes - Which is about looking back at Which was like flying a relationship

Conditioner For Straightening Wella

* Held for Lucas *

not forget, tonight at 0.00 h end my auctions!
Who still wants to offer so you can do that here or here!

goes as yet another thing:)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

2010 Arşiv Silver Daddies Gay

* Flowers & wild animals *

Again I have practiced diligently and rotated new beads:)
For I have a new burner * happy succeed *

The flower beads I always still not as good as I would have to practice for a long time!

But the Tigers find pearl I have really great!

the small spacers are left finally heal;)


this two colors are sooo beautiful, unfortunately the right pearl started

strip pearl

huge roll with frog, unfortunately a large tear
with large beads leiber should I wait;))

feet I find so sweet

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hiding Bathroom Sink Pipes

* new embroidery files online *

My new embroidery, of here, are now online!

Yorkshire Terrier Bloat

my fair lady

hats lasted long, sorry my friends, but finally here are the pictures of the Ladies and gentleman, I was at the party in January. With my favorite Enschedese friends I have made this little shoot. Again big thanks to Marc for making photos!
I hope you like it as me. I think it's somehow beautiful trashy, as we stand in this little kitchen, which does not quite seem to fit in our clothes. Necessity is the mother of invention.

angie with her beautiful layer-dress

miri, wearing a fabulous headdress

dress: sps - necklace: six - peeptoes: emilia - bracelets: h&m - rings: h&m, bijou brigitte, six, claires - headband: diy - suitcase: vintage

* a few pictures of me and my friends for a Ladies and Gentleman "theme party